Frequently asked questions(FAQ)

How much does a new website cost?

we come up with the pricing after a separate analysis has been conducted on the projects and after brainstorming we work towards achieving the desired results.

I already have a website, how easy is it to change it?

The difficulty level of updating an already existing one depends on what changes are required. If the necessity is quite complex it may take time to deliver it and, if only minor changes are to be made it can be handled and delivered at the earliest. After understanding the requirements we start proceeding.

Can I update the website myself once it’s built?

Yes, you can keep updating your website once it is built, If you don’t keep your website updated with fresh content, there are possibilities to lose your online visibility in the search engines. So, ensure that you keep your website updated frequently.

Will you maintain my site for me?

Of course, we can help you out with proper and professional website maintenance in addition to development as it supports in achieving stabilized growth, keeping your business inclined.

Will my website be mobile-friendly?

Yes, we ensure to develop a responsive website that would make your visitors appealing and deliver an optimized browsing experience. So, developing a responsive website will help in increasing the look and feel of your website on both small and large devices.

Who hosts the website?

If you are not much aware of these hosting services, we recommend you the best suitable one for your requirements, or we can also help you with your existing provider if you already have one.